Don't see what you're looking for here? Ask us about it below!
Musculoskeletal, headaches, trauma
Hormone Imbalance, Emotional Trauma, Fertility
Birth Trauma
Colic, Torticollis, Splitting Up, Plagiocephaly.
Dental Applications
TMJ, Alternative Approach to Orthdontia, Orofacial Dysfunctions, Tongue Tie and Nursing difficulties.
Sports Related
Athletic Injuries, Injury Prevention, Overall Maintenance.
What to expect
Your initial visit will be approximately 90 minutes long, and will consist of a detailed history, basic physical exam, extensive osteopathic exam, and 40 minute osteopathic treatment with you lying down.
During the treatment, the physician will assess your overall health and examine the different structures of your body with gentle pressure and movements. The doctor analyzes the structure influenced by compensatory patterns, old injuries, scar tissue and habits, and then is able to execute a treatment that addresses the findings to ultimately support your potential for healing and change.
10min Introduction
Getting to know your Physician.
20min Intake
Consultation, Family History, and Needs Assessment.
20min Physical Evaluation
Head to Toe Assessment.
40min Treatment
Laying Comfortably On The Treatment Bed.